
Brand and concept of Harry’s Bar, initiated by the MacElhone family, innovates, travels and creates. Today the adventure continues in Cannes…

Capsule collection
with Rowing Bazers

Rowing Blazer is a new brand New York already having a huge success off the Atlantic. As the name suggests it draws its aesthetics from…

The Cocktail
of the week

Invented in 1962 by Andy MacElhone for the release of the film “James Bond vs. Dr. No”. James Bond consists of sugar, angostura bitter…

We offer over 400 Cocktails this is one of the hallmarks of our house.
Alongside our bartenders, they will be delighted to introduce you
to our new creations or make a bespoke cocktail.


Whisky is the other great passion of our century-old establishment.
Through the ages we have accumulated bottles that are now collectibles, looking towards the future.
We also produce our own whisky in partnership with friendly distilleries in Scotland.
Currently, we have the most beautiful whisky cellar in France. With more than 350 references.
Since 1911…

The Bar was born on November 26, 1911 on Thanksgiving Day, (a sign for an American bar).
It is a bar literally dismantled from the 7th avenue of Manhattan and reassembled rue Daunou in Paris.
It’s much more than a superb mahogany bar already polished by hundreds of elbows across the Atlantic that is installed that day in Paris, it’s a whole new kind: the Cocktail.
Toad Sloan, American jockey who moved this bar from New York, calls on the best-known bartender Harry MacElhone. Who will resume a few years later to make this young New York bar, Harry’s Bar.
At the beginning of the twentieth century the legend was born.
The establishment was later able to be worthy of this scoop by inventing over the years what will become classics. In the first rank of which the Bloody Mary, SideCar, Blue Lagoon or the White Lady to name a few.
To be traditionally inventive, we perpetuate this know-how. We continue to invent regularly cocktails some of which travel by our very international clientele… To sometimes even return to Paris according to the fashion.
A book tracing its history has recently published . It is of course available at:
Harry’s Bar (5 rue Daunou – Paris) and also online.

The Straw

The Harry’s Bar instituted in 1924 a fake vote that starts a month before the official voting day in the United States. Allowing Americans to Paris, during the election period, to vote. Provisional results are posted regularly.
This vote has become a real institution, more reliable than all polling institutes put together. Indeed, Harry’s has been wrong only twice in 87 years or 25 elections.
Procedure is rigorous to avoid cheating. A big night is organized on Election Night and Harry’s is still -the place to be.

The MacElhone

MacElhone Harry started working at the Harry’s Bar (then the New York Bar) in 1911. The MacElhone family is still at the helm of this legendary place. A great team is totally dedicated to the bar and its customers.
Harry handed the reins to Andrew who passed them on to Duncan. Franz-Arthur, Harry’s great-grandson, was born, like him, on June 16… 98 years later!

Your visit to Harry’s Bar will be complete after descending few steps. Shared the atmosphere of our piano bar … Cocktails and music meet and unite in a very intimate atmosphere with dim lights …
From 1933, this place was called the “Front Page Cabaret”. Harry had the idea of lining the walls with the “some” of newspapers from around the world.
Decor changed every ten or fifteen years because it quickly became the model copied throughout Paris.
Subsequently, the walls were decorated with caricatures of Shem, representing the faces of pre-war Paris.
On the keyboard, great names of jazz have followed one another: Tommy Lyman, but also Leo Deslys and Roy Barton, have long animated the nights of Harry’s Bar.
Did you know that it was on this same piano that George Gershwin composed his “American in Paris”. Customers did not appreciate the cacophony at all, and prayed Harry for the services of a tuner.
Gershwin noted his composition on paper towels which unfortunately were burned during the war to light the stove!
The famous Harry’s Bar
sets up in Cannes !

Official! The Harry’s Bar Cannes will open in June at Port Canto in the Cannes marina.
Franz-Arthur the great-grandson of Harry MacElhone, founder of the famous cocktail bar where the Bloody Mary and Blue Lagoon were invented, chose Cannes to perpetuate the atmosphere of the illustrious counter.
In Cannes, Harry’s Bar will be installed in the future Grand Large Space of Port Canto. Symbol of the completion of the modernization of the site carried out by David Lisnard, in the embellishment of the Croisette.
“As an international village, we have a lot in common with Harry’s Bar. International reputation, cozy size, Cannes is the ideal city to set up a sunny Cuban version. As the fourth generation of owner and as a local… It is in the very heart of the Port Canto that I want to continue the adventure of the oldest cocktail bar in Europe”.
Franz-Arthur MacElhone
“Oldest and most emblematic cocktail bar in Europe will perpetuate its history in Cannes, at Port Canto.
Harry’s Bar was the meeting place for Americans in Paris and many celebrities.
Hemingway, Sartre, Chanel, Blondin, Tilden, Prévert, Jack Dempsey…
Rita Hayworth, les Fitzgerald, Bogart or Cerdan came to taste cocktails created especially for them.
I’m delighted that Franz-Arthur MacElhone chose to settle the legendary Harry’s Bar in Cannes.
It confirms the new dynamic of our city. The Port Canto is becoming an international hotspot”.
David Lisnard, Mayor of Cannes
5 rue daunou,
75002 PARIS
Every day from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
except Sunday from 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
[Live music from 10:00 p.m.]
Port Pierre Canto,
Boulevard de la Croisette
06400 CANNES
The Original

An essential book that retraces the history of this legendary bar that celebrates 100 years of existence.
The Scottish Harry Mac Elhone in 1911, wanted to enter France in the mode of cocktail bars Americans.
Successful bet of the place. It will become unavoidable, frequented by all the personalities of the XXth century up to our days. (Hemingway, Dietrich, Duras, Tarantino, Castelbajac …).
Archival footage and crisp stories complete this bilingual French-English book.

From New York to Paris… From Cuba to Cannes… The oldest cocktail bar in Europe, emblematic of Paris… Invites you to discover a sunny version of the traditionally inventive cocktail.
At Port Canto, Boulevard de la Croisette.

Rowing Blazers has designed a line of clothing inspired by the bar’s history and sports heritage.
The collection includes a rugby shirt, golf sweater, corduroy baseball cap… Polo shirt, trainer jacket and long-sleeved t-shirts.